Foods To Avoid In Hypothyroidism - Avoid These 2 Goitrogenic Groups

By Scott McLeod

Goitrogenic and goitrogenic foods are terms that many have not heard. The term goitrogenic relates to the term and clinical condition called goiter which is inflammation of the thyroid gland, simultaneously inhibiting its proper function. Goitrogenic foods can contribute to this condition. Foods that are goitrogenic are usually harmful to those suffering from thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism and not those with normal functioning thyroids. Keeping that in mind, lets move forward with those BIG two dietary groups exacerbating your hypothyroidism.

Culprit #1 - Soy

The evidence is clear however, many consultants are proponents of hypothyroid diets that are high in soy. Do not consume this uninformed advice.

Soy components when consumed in the diet and enter the body are known to be estrogenic. This means that the body responds and reacts to them like estrogen. It mimics estrogen. Your body will try to adjust to elevated levels and subsequently cause hormonal imbalance. Aside from that estrogen inhibits the thyroid gland from from secreting thyroid hormone. Avoid the following: edamame, soy milk, tofu, soy burgers and other soy derived products. Staying away from soy based foods will enable a better functioning thyroid gland.

Culprit #2 - Polyunsaturated Fats

Some research has hit the media that touts the health benefits of polyunsaturated fats. These findings and reporting are limited in that they do not discuss the disasterous effects this wreaks on the thyroid glands of hypothyroidism sufferers.

Polyunsaturated fats are responsible for blocking the ability of the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone. These fats block proper circulation in order to distribute thyroid hormone throughout the body. In addition they also block the cells ability to utilize the thyroid hormone if and when it is finally received.

So now you're asking, "What foods and dietary groups contain these polyunsaturated fats?" Quite a number of vegetable oils, which include soybean oil, safflower oil and corn oil. The sandwich-making favorite mayonnaise is also high in polyunsaturated fat. Certain seeds and nuts, which include sunflower seeds, flax seeds (and their oil) as well walnuts are high in PUFs. Finally, take a look at the salad dressing you plan on dripping across those greens, many are derived from soybean oil and other culprits high in polyunsaturated fats.

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