Techniques Of Natural Fertility Treatment Tempe Az

By Bonnie Contreras

The natural approach used to treat infertility solves the root causes of the condition. This happens by dealing with all systems of the body and not laying focus on only the reproductive system. Most of the people that are unable to become pregnant suffer from several sub-clinical conditions. Such conditions may be unable bring about infertility on their own- they do so in combination. In considering natural fertility treatment Tempe az residents have several options.

It is very important to reduce exposure to chemicals that have toxins. Such exposure to toxins in the environment, mostly in the form of industrial chemicals, could considerably affect fertility. It should be noted that the majority of chemicals used never go through similar checks as medicines. As a result, there is the likelihood that poisonous chemicals will circulate in the environment, water, air and even in food.

To prove that heavy metals and environmental pollution have an effect on reproductive system of women, the effects can be observed. The metal lead has adverse effects on women as concerns conception. Sperms tend to be more sensitive to industrial pollutants than eggs, making men to be more at risk. The pollutants have wide ranging effects on sperms and their production.

To avoid infertility or treat an already existing condition, water that is meant for drinking needs to be filtered. Industrial wastes, herbicides, commercial cleaning products and pesticides are constant pollutants of waterways. A number of companies do not follow set down regulations that govern dumping of wastes, making such pollution rampant. Using a dual filtration system would minimize passage of chemicals that are as small as 1 micron.

Diet is very important. During the first three months of pregnancy, there is an over 20 million increase in the size and complexity of the embryo. It is during the first 8 weeks that there is development of organs like legs, nose, hands, fingers and eyes among others. For laying the right foundations at that time, the body needs to have the right nutrients and in the correct proportions. The diet should have high quality proteins and optimum fats.

There are fats that are dangerous to the body. Such dangerous fats could be hidden in such foodstuffs as chocolate, chips, biscuits, among others. They worsen the infertility condition. Experts also recommend that people suffering from infertility avoid estrogens that are derived from animals. Dairy products are the most common source of estrogens that are consumed by people. Consuming hormones like estrogens, melatonin and oxytocin will have adverse effect on hormonal balance.

Coffee, alcohol and smoking are all linked to infertility. They decrease fertility. Studies indicate that taking a cup of coffee per day increases risk of not conceiving by as much as 55 percent. The same applies to alcohol- it decreases ability to conceive by 50 percent and over. The three activities should be avoided.

In opting for natural fertility treatment Tempe az residents should also avoid stress. It is one of the big causes of infertility. Stress leads to excessive production of adrenaline, which signals the body that conditions are not suitable for conception.

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