Never Underestimate The Benefits Of The Playground Games

By Mattie MacDonald

Playground games entail much more than just fun and frolic. It is one of the first places where young children learn how to socialize and develop good sportsmanship skills through group activities.

A love of team sport is usually acquired at a young age during preschool activities when kids are also introduced to the basics of most sport codes. The bonus is that partaking in the playground games at school teach them much more than just good sportsmanship and sport techniques. Group activities also promote mental and physical well-being and equip a child with essential social skills for life.

Ballgames, rope skipping, sack races and other fun games not only keep a child fit and healthy, but are also essential for strengthening their muscles and to promote good eye-hand coordination. At the same time, it teaches them to interact socially with all kinds of people. They develop friendships and camaraderie with team mates and learn essential leadership and social skills in a playful way. Group activities also teach kids to respect one another and it gives them a sense of belonging.

It is said that kids can be the cruelest of cruel to their peers because they are too young to understand how damaging and lasting the impact of their words/behavior can be. A victim of such cruelty often suffers lifelong emotional problems as a result of traumatic childhood experiences. Any playground games and activities should therefore be closely supervised by knowledgeable and trained teachers or coaches who can skillfully intervene to turn potential playground fights into a positive moral lesson.

Young kids under four years of age should thus be constantly supervised. A wide variety of games are necessary to keep them interested since their attention span is still limited. Many preschools offer specialized training classes such as Playball where kids are introduced to most of the professional sport codes in a playful manner. By learning the correct techniques from young, the youngsters gain confidence and often develop a love for most sports. Mastering the art of kicking or throwing a ball boosts their self-esteem which is essential for becoming balanced, well-adjusted individuals. Children with a low self-esteem often become shy, unhappy loners or bullies

The old adage - a healthy body, a healthy mind - is more applicable than ever in today's life where society puts tremendous pressure on kids to excel in various fields. Research indicates that physical activity might also increase a child's academic ability.

The social, physical and mental benefits of group activities and team sport are innumerable. Apart from keeping a child active, fit and healthy, it promotes values and valuable social skills such as good team spirit, responsibility, problem solving, patience and perseverance. They learn there is no I in the word team and winning is not everything. When a team loses, a child learns how to overcome failure and how to cope with disappointments in life.

That silly little children's games may look like mere child's play, but it is the best educational tool in the world. It teaches young children to play with kids they don't necessarily like, to share and to respect others. Best of all, it gives kids the opportunity to be less selfish and to learn that things do not always go their way. Maybe, just maybe, the world would be a better place if there were playground games for adults too.

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