Learning The Famous Alexander Technique

By Enid Hinton

Stress is very evident in the world today because of the very fast paced lifestyle that each and every human being has to live with. This stressful lifestyle is actually one of the factors that would contribute to people having more stress and having some physical problems because of it. Now one of the best ways that people were able to confront these stressors was through the alexander technique.

Now Frederick Matthias Alexander, who at that time was a known Australian actor, was the one who first discovered this method. He was actually a laryngitis patient who could not find any cure because medical facilities were not very advanced at that time. He somehow found out that the problem that was causing his laryngitis was neck tension which he was eventually able to cure with some simple exercises.

Now the main belief of people who teach this method is that the muscles of the body tend to develop habitual movements. It is because of these movements that the muscles would tighten. Of course because of muscle tightening that one would feel pain.

Now if one would enroll in one of these classes, he will first be assessed by the teacher. The teacher has to first see the condition of his students in order to let them do some exercises. Of course the teachers would be advising their students to come in comfortable clothes so that they can be able to relax during their exercises.

Now one thing to remember is that this exercise is not strenuous at all and can be done by those who are not very physically fit. It is not like other stretching exercises wherein one would need to strain his muscles and do poses or other types of strenuous things. This is in fact a very relaxing type of workout wherein one is actually going slow and following the pace of his own body.

An example of the things that he would be doing would of course be just standing up, walking upright, and sitting down which is something he does on a normal day. Now the teachers will also be assisting him as he does this so that the teacher will know which parts of his body has tightening muscles. When the teachers have found out where the tightening of the muscles is and recommend to the students what can be done.

Now there are a lot of benefits that one can actually gain from these types of exercises is of course less body pains. One will be relieved of body pains like backaches and even neck aches as these kinds of exercises are wonderful for these kinds of problems. Of course stress will also be taken away from the body which means that mentally, one can also be cured.

So for those who would often have body aches, this method is definitely very helpful. The great thing about it is that this method is getting very popular in America. It is in fact very popular in NYC because there are so many people with high levels of stress there.

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