Regain Your Life And Sanity At Sobriety House Asheville

By Vicki Diaz

Over the last 30 years, since the inception of MADD, society has been increasingly focused on impaired drivers. Given the carnage on the national highway system, this was an inevitable and reasonable result. It does not address the underlying problem of alcohol dependence, which comes with a host of problems. Recovering from the disease requires societal help such as the sobriety house Asheville.

For the average citizen, mentioning the word alcoholic brings to mind the image of a homeless, bedraggled old man, living on the street begging for money and carrying a paper bag with a can or bottle in it. While this is certainly one possible end result of alcoholism, it is far from the only or even most common ones. People with a disturbing relationship to alcohol live all around us, most would never be suspected.

It took many decades before the medical community even accepted alcoholism as a disease. The symptoms are extremely specific to each individual, and even finding a consistent pattern can be difficult. The medical community has settled on a definition that is in art physical and in part sociological, centering on the continuance of use following decline in health or status.

People reassure themselves with such comments as having never had a drink before 5:00 PM, and the response may well be that they nearly always have one by five minutes after 5:00 PM. Because it such a common social event, people can very easily have a problem and never be detected. It is however, a very thin line to walk, with the vulnerability of having an episode that can ruin a life always near.

Self detection is exceedingly difficult, and many experts state that if one worries that they may be becoming dependent, they probably already are, and the time to act is immediate. Total abstinence is the only sure way to prevent a decline from social drinking to dependence, but if one is concerned, they can stop for three months as a check. If the idea causes any alarm, the individual is already at serious risk.

Avoiding alcohol is more difficult than one might think. Not only is it readily available at almost every social gathering one might attend, advertising for alcohol is one of the most prevalent types of promotions, promotion are everywhere. With billboards, radio and television descriptions constantly and effectively portraying the fun and cool use of the product the dangers are well hidden.

Self realization that the problem is real and must be addressed is one of the most difficult parts. Getting completely sober can take more than a week in some cases, and after becoming sober the decision that one really wants to end the dependence can be even harder. Without these two steps, however, the individual will not be able to stop drinking, as no external force can truly end the behavior.

Getting sober may require medical supervision for some, and once one has finally become sober, stabilizing their lifestyle and keeping busy are important second steps. Finding a place to stay can also be complicated for one who has been on the streets or lost their home due to the addiction, but there are supportive organizations. The sobriety house Asheville is an excellent example of a supportive place for those seeking to regain a clean and sober lifestyle.

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