Get A Response To Your Concerns Like, Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease

By Christa Jarvis

Different ailments cause varying impairment of health state depending on the nature of the organisms and individual differences. The disease causing organisms include bacteria, fungi and viruses among many more rare types. Some of the infections are spread by vectors and this particular tick ailment is an example of vector borne disease. Like many other bacterial infections, this condition is curable and that answers the question, is there a cure for Lyme disease?

This far it has been shown that individuals can completely recover from Lyme disease infection. However, this has a link to the stage or level of ailment at time of initiating medication alongside other management. Experts recommend that such care modalities be started as soon as may be possible. Any delays in the care reflect wrongly on the outcome of care and the sooner such management is started the better.

Like any other bacterial infections, this disease responds well to specific drugs. In this case, doxycycline is the drug of choice for clients whose diagnosis is made in first stage. All the same, other victims who seek care beyond first stage may need additional drug as cefotaxime to optimize outcome results. Better still, additional variations as age and pregnancy may be hindrance to this normal regime because doxycyline is contraindicated before the age of eight and in pregnancy.

All pregnant mothers and children under the age of eight must therefore see experts for appropriate care. Use of doxycycline presents more health risk than benefit and therefore not recommended as part of care.

In cases of disease dissemination to body system, use of doxycycline and cefotaxime have shown appreciable results. Medication may take one to four weeks depending on how each client respond to treatment. Besides antibiotics, other drugs such as anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs may be incorporated to handle associated distress related to this kind of infection.

A complete cure of this ailment is achieved when a prescribed dose is completed and the victim no longer experience related distressing symptoms like fatigue, pain, itching joints and or edema of various body parts. Immunoglobulin tests may still reveal high levels even when the disease is cured and are therefore not good reference points to verify if one is or is not cured of the ailment. Some of these symptoms may persist for a longer time but eventually they disappear.

In very rare but devastating circumstances, this infection may end up advancing to the level of causing damage to vital body structures as nerves and brain. Such may point out rare cases of treatment failure or unattended disease cases. Not many of the affected victims end up this way and therefore the ailment is not considered a big threat to the general population.

In summary therefore, all individuals suspected to have this ailment should make it their responsibility to seek medical care. The best care is granted when disease is still in its early stages. No deviation from health should be overlooked as it may form a turn of events in which affected persons may never enjoy suitable and desired health. Despite all these, the best thing to know is that this is a curable disease and may be effectively managed despite of its stage of diagnosis.

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