The Easy Approach To Muscle Building Success

By Russ Howe

If you're currently attending the gym there is probably one question on your lips and that is how to build muscle so today we're going to explain it for you. Better still, we're going to teach your the rules to a bigger physique. Stick to these and you will not go wrong.

Furthermore, we'll write today's article in our trademark jargon-free style to ensure nothing gets lost in translation!

As a fitness instructor I know that most trainers like to over-complicate explanations and they often lose their client in a whirlwind of science that they struggle to follow. In my opinion this is bad teaching, because if your client cannot follow your advice it's pointless giving it to them in the first place. So don't worry, you won't get lost here.

When it comes to packing on lean muscle there are a few rules which will keep you in the right direction.

Rule number one is as easy as it gets. Sleep. That's right, a good night's sleep is not only nice but also great for your results. Like most of these rules you'll find they are easier to apply than you may be expecting at first. Eight hours sleep is great for your progress.

Supplementing the fact that your sleeping is now in perfect working order for gains in the gym you should now be looking to ensure your body is getting enough rest. You can't grow if your don't let it happen, after all. The next time you see somebody training every day and wondering why they aren't seeing results you'll know why it's happening. Don't let it happen to you.

Next we focus on the need to alter your training schedule to reflect your goals. After all, there is little point in going to the gym and firing out rep after rep if your goal is to get bigger. You need to adapt your training to a program which has your goal in mind. Strength training is performed best when you target your repetitions at an eight-to-twelve rep zone rather than performing hours of lighter weights, which are better suited to those looking to shoot for endurance over size.

Sometimes we all get lost in the wide variety of exercises available to you. Which exercises work best for size? The basics work best. That's right, bench press is still the best chest building exercise, squat is the best leg building exercise, pull ups are the best back building exercise and so on. The movements we trainers call compound exercises are the ones which should be the primary focus of your workout session plan.

Diet is also critical. Incredibly, most guys assume they can just drink a protein shake and it'll be sufficient. It will not, of course. We're sure that when you say you wish to build a bigger physique you don't mean piling on the weight and becoming fat. Your diet needs to reflect your goals no matter whether you're trying to lose weight or add lean mass.

The confusion surrounding how to build muscle can be answered with the simple steps in today's article. No personal trainer or college professor needed. You should now be well on your way to seeing some quality results in the gym!

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