10 Tips on How to Lose Weight and Boost Spirituality

In order to have optimum health most Americans need to lose weight... and you absolutely can lose weight and boost your spirituality. Spirituality includes the mind, body and soul connection which also includes how you feel physically, emotionally, spirituality and mentally.
Feeling good about your body increases confidence and will help you come across to others in a more positive and confident manner. Insecurities and the lack of self-confidence can be translated into missed opportunity such as being turned down for a job or passed over when it comes to getting a promotion. Yes, there is obesity discrimination in the workplace.
There are many diets and many approaches that you can take along the path to losing weight. You just have to discover what works for you. Losing weight leads to a sense of satisfaction and will boost your spirituality simply because you will feel better overall.
Following are 10 Tips On How To Lose Weight And Boost Spirituality:
1. Make up your mind that you ARE going to lose weight. Unless you make up your mind that you ARE going to do it... it will remain a wish or desire rather than a reality.
2. Eat smaller portions at one sitting (measure your food in-take). Instead of having one cup of rice you could easily cut it to 1/2 cup of rice, 1/2 cup of potatoes, 1/2 cup of vegetables, etc.
3. Visualize your new body on a daily basis. Taking the time before you go to sleep at night or upon rising in the morning. As a man thinketh he becomes.
4. Exercise 3-4 times per week. Incorporating a regular exercise routine will accelerate your weight loss and help you reach your goals quickly.
5. Research ways that will help you lose weight. Explore solutions to weight loss. By doing some research on the subject you will find solutions that suit your lifestyle and tolerance level.
6. Get a series of colonic irrigations to jump-start your weight loss. Optimum health starts in the colon and keeping your colon clean will help your physical body maintain a healthy balance.
7. Drink a few ounces of Welch's Grape Juice (diluted with water) before each meal. Make sure to take a few ounces as well before you go to bed at night. Take a total of 4 times a day.
8. Learn about Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA's) -- Foods that help you lose weight

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4940114

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